Taking a Covid leaf from the tech giants
Posted on 14th September 2020

Both working from home, shorter working weeks and flexible office space has been applauded by human resource experts worldwide and considered favourable over a mass return to traditional working.
The tech giant Microsoft has developed a “hybrid workplace strategy as worksites slowly start to open” and “working from home remains optional through to October for most employees”
This new view allows for a better work-life balance for all those who need it, part time workers, new parents, or carers. This huge shift towards flexible working will be a win for human resource management globally. This is now the time for companies to rethink their extensive and expensive office space and sites.
MasterCard is currently planning to consolidate its office space whilst Facebook has planned for working ‘hubs’ across America.
There is a growing confidence in home working as technology and video-conferencing holds up this new normal. Platforms such as Zoom and Google Meet are here to stay.
The big tech giants have always dominated the alternative office and despite their huge size they are surprisingly nimble. Amazon has given their employees an option to work from home, Barclays currently has 70,000 staff working at home and Google has extended working from home until the end of the year. Twitter CEO has offered the option to work at home permanently! The big city office is beginning to seem like a thing of the past.
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